#AskKenneth | Off Season
"Off-season" is referred to the time during which an athlete is not training or competing. Usually, it is talking about baseball players....

#AskKenneth | Training Tips by Polo Kwan
5 Training Tips by Polo Kwan: 1️⃣ Technique always goes first, weight second. I always keep the good form to perform all reps, but the...

BC Masters Weightlifting Championships 03.2018
Mission Accomplished! Snatch: 85kg, 92kg, 93kg - All good lifts! Clean & Jerk: 105kg, 112kg, 120kg - All good lifts! NO PB. but I am...

#AskKenneth | How To Calculate Macros For Fat Loss
Step 1: Maintenance calories The numbers are estimation only. Step 2: Deficit If my maintenance is 3,000kcal a day based on my activity...

#AskKenneth | Cable Triceps Pushdown
#AskKenneth | Cable Triceps Pushdown Tip 1: Fully Extend your arms Tip 2: Open your shoulders, keep chest up Tip 3: Slow eccentric Tip 4:...

Jocko Podcast | Not Accepting Weakness Jocko Willink
I’m weak. I don’t accept that. I’m fighting. I’m always fighting. I’m struggling and to change them. To stop them. Some days I win. But...