Nutrition Guidelines for Shatin Baptist Dragonboat Athletes 2017
As you know, everyone's body and physique are totally difference. I cannot give your exact calories and macros for all of you. I am...

男人愛肌肉 等於女人愛化妝 事實上 每個女人都愛美麗 無論妳是十歲定八十歲 都是一樣 這是改變不了的 愛化妝的女人等於專重自己 不貪靚的女人等於放棄了自己 化妝給予女人一份自信 倘若你的女人沒有扮靚 這是男人的責任 男人一樣 每個男人都應該愛擁有基本的肌肉 擁有肌肉等於防腐...

Fitness Star
These two trophies are my first overseas awards since my rowing career. # Fitness Star Model - Swimsuit Model - 1st place # Fitness Star...

Testimonial by Mark Parker
I can say that Mark is one of the most difficult clients in my 12 years of personal training career. Three years ago, Mark (after his hip...

Tips of Bodybuilding Posing Routine
1. Four Quarter Turns 2. Seven Compulsory Poses

High Protein Diet
For example A trained trainee, his bodyweight is 80kg (176lb) with 10% body fat. He does strength training 5 times a week. His daily...

減磅 vs 減脂
開始時,等我定義一下什麼是減磅和減脂先。 減磅,英文是weight loss。等於你只要磅輕了便成功。不論你透過什麼方法都得。例如商業型的diet方法:食素、飲菜汁、飲shake...大家不用知道肌肉和脂肪比率,磅就是一切。大部份香港人正是這樣,不要太多付出,便可以很快減磅...