25 Amazing Fat Loss Tips
25 Amazing Fat Loss Tips
1. Find Your WHY
2. Setting a S.M.A.R.T. goals
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Based.
3. Lift weight 4 times a week at least with compound exercises.
e.g. squat, chin-ups, deadlift, overhead press…
4. Learn how to lift weight with perfect form and slow tempo.
5. Always do supersets and trisets training to create a metabolic effect.

6. Train smart and train hard. Don’t apply “Lift Heavy and Go Home” method. You are not a meathead.
7. Get into the training zone. Stay focus. Don’t scroll IG and reply text message between sets.
8. Do aerobic training and anaerobic cardio training. Don’t repeat the same thing over and over.
9. Be active. I encourage my trainees to walk 10,000 a day if you have a sedentary job.
10. Find a hobby to relax your mind.
11. The vital of Fat Loss is to do a caloric deficit.
12. Apply high protein intake and low carb diet if your body fat is relatively high.
13. Cook as frequent as you can.
14. Minimize the sugar intake from your diet.
15. Eat vegetables every meal.

16. Drink plenty of water.
17. Do massage or FST twice a month to recover your body if you train 5 times a week.
18. Get more sunshine if you can.
19. Prepare your sleep. Read a book.
20. Sleep before 11pm. No more Netflix after 11pm.

21. Take fish oils on a daily basis.
22. Take BCAAs or EAAs during training.
23. Listen to your body. Your body always gives you signals - good & bad.
24. Take probiotics if you cannot go to the bathroom for days.
25. Do ONE thing. If Fat Loss is your first priority, please reduce others during the period.