How To Perform Deficit Deadlift With Perfect Form
How To Perform Deficit Deadlift With Perfect Form Deficit Deadlift is an effective deadlift variation to increase leg and back strength....

#AskKenneth | REBOOT UPDATE 60 hours fasting has completed. Now is Sunday morning at 9am. I just finished my olympiclifting session, I...

Jason’s Transformation Story in 16 weeks
#AskKenneth | Jason’s Transformation Story in 16 weeks Im 28 , an ICU nurse which requires shift work, a father of a 1 year old kid The...

Shit Happens
Shit Happens I injured my lower back on Monday morning before going to the gym. I knew it was pretty bad. I couldn't bend my back at all....

#AskKenenth | 5 Tips To Build Impressive Biceps
#AskKenenth | 5 Tips To Build Impressive Biceps 如何建立肱二頭肌的五個重要提示 1️⃣ Train biceps at the end of each session. 2️⃣ Train biceps x 16-20...