#AskKenneth: 正確的健康飲食習慣
腰圍尺寸跟你的健康很有直接關係 以下是關於飲食習慣的分享: #AskKenneth 05 : Food Diary 飲食日誌 #AskKenneth 06: 胰島素對消脂的影響 1 #AskKenneth 10: 點樣知道食物多少重量(克/安士)呢? #AskKenneth...
「身型改造」所用的時間人人都不相同。 要視乎以下之情况: 1. 肌肉和脂肪比例 脂肪越多,所需的時間便越長。 2. 一星期可以用多少時間來進行訓練? 一星只得兩日,和一星期五日相差甚遠。 3. 自己煮食物或是出外跟朋友或同事吃飯, 又差一截。 ...
#AskKenneth 13: Tempo 節奏訓練 第一講 #AskKenneth 14: 如何利用節奏(Tempo)來作訓練呢? 第二講 - 如何去利用3011作拉背訓練?這種訓練對背部有什麼幫助? #AskKenneth 15:...
Being Competitive Is A Gift.
Past Sports Achievements Silver medal, East Asian Games 2001, Men's Coxed Eight 🥉Bronze medal, East Asian Games 2001, Men's Coxless Four...
Road to Get Lean Week 2 (Ricky's Story)
Week 2 log : [籃球感覺逐步回來] 今天是完成Kenneth教練的第二星期program的星期一。 亦係同籃球朋友既basketball full court night! 今晚很開心,好耐冇感覺到嘅速度感同埋爆發力,今晚出現番在自己身上,至少1年沒遇上這種感覺...
#AskKenneth 121: Earn Your Carbs
Recently, I posted a lot of foods pictures on my Facebook page - "Fits Your Macros". The food pics are contributed by my team members....
#AskKenneth 120: Training Tips For My Team Members.
Training Tips For My Team Members. I don't treat my clients as clients. If people are training with me and under my supervision, they are...
#AskKenneth 118: Never Focus On The TOOL. Focus On The Purpose.
"Never focus on the TOOL. Focus on the PURPOSE." - Bill Hinbern Coach Bill is right. He said that focus on what you want to achieve and...