Olympiclifting with Pause Snatch
Practice some drills today after lifting 205lb with @capilanoweightliftingclub 28.11.2016 Techniques 1. Shoulder forward 2. Pause snatch...

Training vs Workout
Training is not fun. You don't laugh. You barely can talk. You may walk slowly. Training is tough. You are tired almost every session....

What's the difference of training between 30 and 60 years-old trainees?
What's the difference of training between 30 and 60 years-old trainees? 1. I will assess both trainees' body fat % and mobility, and try...

15 種改變香港人的飲食習慣
15 種改變香港人的飲食習慣 通常香港人的飲食習慣是高碳水化合物和超低蛋白質。對於消脂計劃來說,這是不行的。我不理會你有否做運動,不理會每日又跑步又做阻力訓練,如果你不著重正確的飲食方法,你或妳都不能減掉脂肪。 說淸楚,當你請了一個全宇宙最勁的私人健身教練,而你自己懶理飲食...
Rack Pull From Pins (Below Knees)
Rack Pull From Pins Here is the sequence of Posterior Chain training: Group A (For Beginners) - 45/ 90 deg Back Extension - Seated Good...
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (Unilateral) Romanian Deadlift (RDL) is one of the multi-joint exercises and posterior chain...

Be Proactive
8 Tips of #BeProactive 1. Plan your meals ahead on Sunday, How many days having lunch and clients with clients and friends, otherwise you...

Jefferson Curl
Sunday Morning No heavy squat No heavy deadlift No pumping iron Not metabolic No moaning Peaceful Jefferson Curl Inspired by...

Variation of Bench Press
Personally, I believe that "Variety is a key for muscle grow." Strength Sensei said that if you repeat doing the same things all over the...

Training Alone Doesn't Work
Client: I can't lose any fat even I am training a lot? Kenneth: How's your diet? Client: I'm eating healthy? Kenneth: What is your daily...