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Kenneth Lo

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Be Proactive

8 Tips of #BeProactive

1. Plan your meals ahead on Sunday,

How many days having lunch and clients with clients and friends, otherwise you cannot lose even 1lb of body fat.

2. Write your food diary one day before. What? It's a trick to yourself. You will not have more macros than your goals.

3. Plan your training program 4 weeks ago or on your rest day. Otherwise you don't know what are you going to do at the gym.

4. Stretching before and after training. In order to avoid injury, do stretching daily.

5. Read books, NOT social media. I've found that I understand things more when I'm reading books. And read different areas of books. Not just Training.

6. Sleep early. Good quality of sleeping gives you more energy during the day. You don't have to drink drink coffee every single hour. Less cortisol. Less stress. Less inflammation.

7. Talk to someone who is smarter than you. That's excellent experience to me. Always listening. Always learning.

8. Build your muscles regularly. No muscle - slow metabolism - aging - poor skin - joints pain - being weak - injury

Dream | Goal Setting | Progression | Consistency | Effort | Achievement | Self-improvement

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