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Kenneth Lo

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#AskKenneth 113: Don't Copy Someone's Diet

#AskKenneth 113: Food Diary

You can ask someone's food diary, but just DO NOT copy it. It does not fit you.

For example, my calories are different every day. When I train my legs, I go higher calories; when I train upper body, I go lower calories.

And also, I change my macros too. I have more carbs on leg days. Yes, Leg days.

"s" means I train more than one day leg.

DO NOT copy my macros.

If you DO NOT know what is macros, DO NOT ask someone's diet.

If you DO NOT have the food diary, we DO NOT know why you cannot lose any fat.

By the way, losing weight is easy. Just skip the breakfast, lunch and dinner. Easy!

Then you die. Losing weight should not be our ultimate goal.

If you see someone posted Mcdonald's meal at the IG, please DO NOT copy. It's not true.

He may be having 3,000kcal a day and still having calories deficit, but you are having 1,800kcal. Totally different story.

Stick to your plan!

Can I drink coffee?

Of course. Iced americano is my favorite. It's also my pre-training drink. I can't train without it.

What should you do?

1. Set a Goal with a date of Deadline.

12 weeks, 18 weeks, 6 months, 12 months...Just set it. Then we are going to PLAN.

2. Start writing your own food diary.

If you are the beginning of dieting, you need to know you're macros:

Protein, Carbs & Fat

You need to set a daily calories intake on the training day and non-training day.

Anyway, everyone is different. Depends.

"Everyone is different. Everyone should have the different plan."

Bonus Tips:

Having Chinese food at the restaurant is difficult to lose fat. Almost never happen. Since you never know how much cooking oil did the chef put in and what kind of oil did the chef are using.

For example, Having Hoi Nam Chicken (海南雞) is totally different from the lean chicken breast.

Hoi Nam Chicken Rice: Estimated 800kcal but depends on the different amount of rice and the chicken. How much protein of it? You better to weigh it.

Yamcha, Dim Sum (飲茶)? Please, I don't want to start this topic. It's complicated.

Just remember that if you are having less than Carbs:100g/day, don't go Dim Sum!

Siu Mai 燒賣: 174kcal, Protein: 9.6g, Fat: 22.3g, Carbs: 8.7g

Shrimp dumpling 蝦餃: 40kcal, Protein: 0.9g, Fat: 3.1g, Carbs: 2.1g

Pork bag 叉燒包 277kcal, Protein: 7.2g, Fat: 8.5g, Carbs: 42.5g

Mara Cake 馬拉糕 314kcal, Protein: 7.8, Fat: 9.3g, Carbs: 50.6g

Total 805kcal

Protein: 25.5g

Fat: 43.2g

Carbs: 103.9g

(I searched from MyFitnessPal)

NO WAY! I only had 4 pieces of Dim Sum! Why did I eat so much calories?

Sorry man!

If your target is 1800kcal, you will have 995kcal to go at the rest of your day.


Your Protein goal is 160g, you will have 134.5g to go!

(134.5g = 538kcal)

You may have 3 meals x 33.5g with chicken breast to go after Yamucha

How about I eat sirloin steak after Dim Sum?

Ummmm....It is protein. You told me to eat more meats!

Let's have a look

Sirloin Calories: 456kcal

Protein: 46g

Fat: 28.8g

(I searched from MyFitnessPal)

Yamcah + Sirloin = 805kcal + 456kcal = 1261kcal

However, protein is 71.5g/160g only

You will have 88.5g protein to chase.

If Carbs goal is 100g, you've already hit your goal.

You don't even have room for vegetables at the rest of your day.

Therefore, the answer is .....

Steak does not have any problem.

Steak is not a problem at all.

However, Dim Sum is a problem.

It can mess up your whole day macros.

NOT IDEAL for Fat Loss!

Can you get my point?

Remember that Dim Sum also CANNOT give you ideal nutrients. Period!

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