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Kenneth Lo

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「身型改造」所用的時間人人都不相同。 要視乎以下之情况: 1. 肌肉和脂肪比例 脂肪越多,所需的時間便越長。 2. 一星期可以用多少時間來進行訓練? 一星只得兩日,和一星期五日相差甚遠。 3. 自己煮食物或是出外跟朋友或同事吃飯, 又差一截。 當你的朋友或家人正在吃飯的時候, 你能否依據當日的卡路里目標去進食呢? 還是跟他們一起大吃大喝呢? 4. 經常出外工幹和旅遊,又差很遠。 5. 沒有自制能力,更加唔使諗減肥。 6. 減肥好視乎個人的自我激勵能力, 因為無人能夠改變你,只有你自己能夠改變自己。 7. 你有否在健身室內付出100%的努力, 還是hea 做呢? 8. 你是否怕辛苦,或怕麻煩呢? 減肥要做的功夫或事情對某些人來說是很麻煩的。是付出很多心機才有少許成績。 9. 健康的生活是要用「心」去創造的。 10. 不健康的生活跟食快餐一樣,快而不健康。 11. 最後,什麼是健康? 你的腰圍尺寸跟健康很有直接關係。

Here is Jufe's sharing:

After 5 months of Online Training with Kenneth Lo.

Everyone dedicated to the program starts from somewhere , have a different lifestyle and pace but share a common goal:

Be healthy, lean and strong.

I can't stick to 4 days training a week but 2, plus 1 hour of hiking and 1 session of badminton.

I try to sleep early and wake up for early training. I can't stick to a very strict diet but try my best to keep. I depend my home helper / wife / mom to prepare food for me. I take whey to reach daily macros.

I felt very weak and frustrated in the first 2 weeks. My believe, goal and Kenneth keep me going.

I lost 10kg so far (from 90kg to 80kg), 4 inches from waist, 1 inch from collar. I can now fit in slim fit shirts and trousers. I feel stronger, happier, more confident and healthy of course.

Sports performance is greatly improved. Strength, Agility and Endurance.

We try to set an example to inspire others, or maybe you? I'm still 4kg from my goal, then I'll switch to another stage from weight losing. I can do it and I will make it. Everyone can do it if you want to. Only a few take their first step. Rex Lau did. Who is the next one?

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