#AskKenneth 267: Strength for Men
#AskKenneth 267: Strength for Men
I know I am little harsh to my male trainees, but it's inevitable. Nowadays, men are too weak - mentally and physically (not everyone, but some.) That's why they come to me asking for training.
I like "slow progression" (one of my trainees call it "slow cook"). I have some standard for them.
Here is the thing, I always compare them to my strong female trainees who can perform 40-50 reps strict form chin-ups with bodyweight in 20 mins. I challenge my men to do it. I give them a goal to achieve it.

Why happen to these men?
1. Sleep
They don't sleep. These people always sleep around 1-2 am, maybe even later. Come on, guys! Fix it if you want to improve your strength.
2. Training
Honestly, they may tell you that they train for few years before training with me, they didn't know what they are doing. They even didn't know the names of the exercises, and they didn't know how to lift with correct form. I am glad they finally find me to train properly.
When they start training with me, they have to put down their egos and empty their cup of tea. Just have to LISTEN and PERFORM and CORRECT then TRAIN HARD.
I told them they cannot put 100% effort if they cannot control the weight up and down. If you cannot control the weight, you cannot make any result. Once you know how to lift weights properly, then Result will come slowly. Take a lot of time and effort.
3. Suffering
They work so hard at the office. They are already suffering from work, or from other areas. They may not enjoy suffering at the gym. They are stressful. Do I care? I do care. Please manage your stress level.
Everyone knows that I love Training. Sometimes, I enjoy the feeling of overtraining.
I like the "pain" from training. I can release myself from each training session. Since I know that training can help me to achieve my goal and each session makes me feel good.
Training is my meditation. Only I and the weight. This is my zone. Nobody can step inside. I do enjoy that moment.
Sometimes, my feeling is terrible and doesn't want to go to the gym at all. My mind tells me that my body is tired. However, I broke my PB on that session. Why? I tell my mind to "Shut the Fxxk up!" It works many times.
Getting strong needs practice and patience.
As people always say that Rome wasn't built in a day.
I am a natural athlete. I never take "short-cut" to achieve my lifting performance and get my body composition. I understand what is called "BLOODY HARD WORK!"
4. Diet
Oh boy! Look at what they ate before training with me!
A lot of carbs means a lot of sugar!
Where is protein?
"I don't like to eat so many protein?" You may always listen to this kind of shit right?
Protein, in Greek, means "the most important thing" or "the first thing."
Now, they switch carbs to protein; then they can show me their muscles after 6-8 weeks of training.
"I don't like to take the supplement." You may hear that shit very often, right?
If your body lack nutrients from your diet, you are suggested to take the certain supplement to help you to get healthier.
You cannot get lean before getting healthy.