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Kenneth Lo

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#AskKenneth | 8 Ways To Get Six Pack Abs Efficiently ⁣

#AskKenneth | 8 Ways To Get Six Pack Abs Efficiently ⁣

1️⃣ Calories Deficit ⁣

Eat under your maintenance. ⁣

2️⃣ Systematic Training Program ⁣

including Strength + Hypertrophy training ⁣

You have to lift heavy weight, and record no of sets, reps and manipulate the tempo. ⁣

3️⃣ Sleeping Quality ⁣

Prepare to sleep. ⁣

• Switch off the phone or computer 1-2 hours before bed. ⁣

• Read a book before sleep.⁣

• Dark bedroom.⁣

• Empty your mind. ⁣

• Pray before sleep. ⁣

4️⃣ Stress Management ⁣

• If you cannot handle stress, stop reading news and social media. ⁣

• Talk to your close friend(s). ⁣

• Consult with professionals. ⁣

• Minimize your workload. ⁣

• Walk.⁣

• Reduce training frequency. As I know, some people train too much. ⁣

5️⃣ Cook by yourself ⁣

You only can count calories if you cook at home. ⁣

If you don't know how many calories do you eat, you're NOT having calories deficit. ⁣

6️⃣ Avoid alcohol ⁣

According to my coaching experience, drinking alcohol once a week CANNOT transform your physique, especially your NEAT is pretty low. ⁣

7️⃣ Ask yourself what's your WHY on a daily basis⁣

”I have more confidence if I have abs.”⁣

”I want to set an example for my kids.”⁣

”I never had athlete’s physique, I want it.” ⁣

”I want to compete in bodybuilding.” ⁣

”My dream is to have abs when I'm 40.” ⁣

8️⃣ Stay around with LEAN people⁣

Don't stay around UNFIT people.⁣..because

They may think you're crazy.⁣

They may think you're too much.⁣

They may ask you to happy hour.⁣

They may ask you to have parties every weekend. ⁣

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