Knee Pain
Some trainees are complaining they are suffering knee pain when they are squatting. First of all, I may ask the trainees that did they...
Abdominal Training Part 2
See video https://www.youtube.com/user/chakrow/videos 1. ISO hold 2. Toes-to-bar Leg Raises 3. Windmill *Hanging Leg raises requires a...

Goal Setting
I always hear some people say that they go to the gym very often. What does that mean? Going to the gym can be lifting weights or doing...
Abdominal Training Part 1
Abdominals Training 1 1. L-sit 3 sets x 15reps, last rep hold 10sec 2. Hanging L-sit 3 sets x 15reps, pointing your toes, and keep your...

Fat Loss
Everyone’s definition of Fat Loss is different. What is Fat Loss? Fat Loss does not equal to Weight Loss. Fat Loss means dropping body...

Bodybuilding means Building Muscles. I believe that if you are training at the gym, you are a “bodybuilder" who is going to develop...