Home Workout Equipment
What kind of equipment do you need? Stay Home Stay Healthy Stay Strong Be disciplined in your mind ⭐️PLEASE SHARE with a friend/...

GYM-FREE Workout | #AskKenneth
GYM-FREE Workout Thank you for following my FB & IG Home Workout Live, I'm going to launch the GYM-FREE Workout for everyone - males,...

BC Masters 2020 | #AskKenneth
BC Masters 2020 Men 40, 81kg Snatch 102kg ❌ 102kg Good 105kg Godd Clean & Jerk 125kg Good 130kg Good 132kg ❌ Total 235kg ...

#AskKenneth | 8 Ways To Get Six Pack Abs Efficiently
#AskKenneth | 8 Ways To Get Six Pack Abs Efficiently 1️⃣ Calories Deficit Eat under your maintenance. 2️⃣ Systematic Training...

Six Pack Abs Should Be Your Ultimate Goal?
1. I always tell my students that if they can't show their abs, they are FAT. Period. (Fat means not lean enough.) 2. As I know,...

Online Coaching | Body Composition Transformation | Trainee A
Testimonial from Trainee A Trainee A is a introverted person, but it doesn’t mean he cannot reach his goal. Here is his...

Home Workout 1 & 2
Home Workout 1 相信大家在抗疫期間,坐喺屋企都很悶,但又想做一些簡單的運動。或因為某些原因,大家不能去健身室做運動。 所以今天,特別為大家示範三個簡單的動作,可以在家中運動一下: I believe that everyone...

#AskKenneth | Biceps | Hypertrophy
Here are 10 different biceps curl exercises: Exercise 1: Concentration Curl Coaching notes: - Sitting on the bench - Keep your lower back...

#AskKenneth | Q&A
1️⃣ 在肺炎期間應否 on Diet 呢? 2️⃣ 10 個增加肌肉的提示 3️⃣ 你是否適合進行奧運舉重Olifts 訓練? 4️⃣ 你會否對 Squat 或 Deadlift 感到害怕呢? 5️⃣ 如果我不是健美運動員,我需不需要訓練小腿呢? 6️⃣ Tempo or...

Crossfitter's 12-weeks Transformation
很多Bodybuilders 都不喜歡Crossfitters,但我個人很欣賞他們時的mindset,因為他們知道什麼是work hard ,他們知道就算身體疲倦的時候,都要繼續完成所有的reps,他們絕不會輕易地放棄。他們在所付出的努力、血汗、淚水、都比很多健身室的人更加...